Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Tips to shoot better acoustic videos

As a musician, the time will come that you will want to show your talent to the world, and these days there's nothing more simple. With the proliferation and inclusiveness of Youtube, Vimeo and many more, there's no excuse to present you music to the world accompanied by videos.
As a Boca Raton Vocal Coach one of what I consider among my responsibilities, is to help my students promote their talent. Video and photography are also my passion, so here are some tips to make your own videos.

1. DEVELOP AN IDEA - Have a story, make sketches/storyboards, make sure you have a beginning, a plot and an end

3. CAMERA - Borrow a DSLR camera from a friend, shoot with a grand angular lens if possible or shoot with a cool phone

4. USE A TRIPOD, TABLE, STAND ETC, etc, handholding won't cut it unless your video is Bourne Identity style

5. DON'T RECORD THE AUDIO WITH THE CAMERA - Recording to an external devise will allow you to make some simple edits to your mix, like killing reverb all the way to tuning

6. USE A CLAP - To synch audio to video and to synch multi-camera for the more sophisticated

7. EXPEND TIME IN THE EDITION - Color correct, edit with precision, I can't stress enough how important is to take your time editing, there are plenty of free applications to do it, Davinci for color correcting, Premiere Pro (not free) or Final Cut. Easy to use, very entertaining.

8. PUBLISH IN MORE THAN ONE CHANNEL - Youtube is the obvious one, but Vimeo, Tumblr, Facebook are also a lick away


Of course this is a very broad summary to what shooting a video involves, however, there are plenty of in depth tutorials on the subject on Youtube, go ahead, get curious.

No more for now, remember, make sure you pick a Boca Raton Vocal Coach who cares about your musical career and get's involved with your journey.

Friday, November 23, 2012

5 tips to PROPERLY take care of your voice

Congratulations, your west palm beach voice lessons have paid off, your pitch is perfect, your inflections are clear and defined, your timing, expression and performance are impeccable, but, how can you keep such beautiful instrument such is your voice, in optimal condition forever?
Here are some tips that will help you maintain your voice.

Tip #1: Do not scream, at least not without proper warm up, sudden fast vibrations and contact of your un  ,warmed vocal chords can cause abrasion and even tiny cuts that develop in to lumps when they scar, ask your west palm beach vocal coach what are the exercise that fit you to warm up.

Tip #2: Do not abuse of dairy in your diet, Dairy leaves residuals very hard to clean in your throat, residuals that manifest in to weird sounds and clogs in your sound, your West Palm Beach vocal lessons can help you determine the rest of your diet.

Tip # 3: Do not abuse of whispering: this may sound special to you, but whispering is produced by the adduction of your vocal chords, which can result in to contact and contact between them must always be restricted to avoid friction.

Tip #4: Do your breathing exercises: the control over your diaphragm is only achieved by practicing, there's no way around, as well as loosing control over the muscle that dosifies the amount of air you apply in to singing can be easily lost by not working it DAILY. Ask about the best suited exercises for you in you West Palm Beach singing classes.

Tip # 5: Keep on singing, the more you SERIOUSLY sing the best your performance will be and the more your instrument will be polished. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

What makes a difference between someone who sings and a Singer?

There are so many people who can sing that it makes me think that singing is a natural ability we all possess without even taking singing lessons. However, then the question comes alive, why are some great at it while others are their audience? Well, I have come up with a separation that could probably explain some of that craziness.

There are the ones who can sing, which as I mentioned are all of us blessed with the ability to make sound. There are the ones with talent, which are people who venture to sing for others beyond their car or their shower. There are the singers, who are the ones who go beyond singing for others to do it on a stage, next to an instrument (usually a karaoke stage) without not having even a vocal coach. And there are the professional vocalists who are the ones who want to do something with their ability to sing, worry about their stage presence, take care of their voice and make out of their voices their business.

There is something all of them have in common (beyond being able to speak and sing). They all need vocal training. There's nothing that can beat the great improvement that comes from training your voice. Wether if you want to be the replacement of Freddy Mercury, or just sing actually pleasant lullabys so your baby stops screaming to you.... to shut up, vocal coaching can come handy for not only singers but also a wide range of people including politicians, personal trainers, radio personalities and even busy moms.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

American Idol, a Dying Franchise?

American Idol was a pioneer in reality talent shows, however like everything in life, it's popularity has decreased due to new and more elaborated formats that allow to discover either a wider range of talents or better quality.

When American Idol started it was a vehicle to let undiscovered singers become stars, many of their participants were singers without any vocal training and the figure of the vocal coach was a shadowy element that moved behind the curtains.

With the new format of talent shows such as The Voice, X Factor and other kind of talent such So you Think you can dance, The Singout and so many others, the voice trainer became a more prominent role and made people aware that performers must train their talent.

This resulted in better and more qualified performances, that increase the interest of the viewers in this kind of shows.

American Idol also suffered from the so many changes of cast, with so many misses and credibility, chemistry gone out the window and even changes on their logo and overall brand.

American Idol may be a dying franchise but only the time will say it definitely.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Vocal Training - Quick Warm Up

We don't always have the time to warm up properly before a performance. Here is a quick and effective way to warm up your vocal chords in order to prevent damage and maximize endurance and pitch precision. You will sing better and your voice will last longer. Warming up your instrument (your voice) combined with a proper breathing technique is a must for all singers because you will have confidence from knowing that you are ready to perform.

Warm ups like this vocal technique is a must for all singers, actors, public speakers, radio personalities, rappers, and mc's. If you live in South Florida, come and take voice lessons from me, Jordy Marin, at my Delray Beach music studio. If you do not live in South Florida but would still like to take lessons from Jordy Marin, I am available via Skype.
786-873-8544 or 561-299-0551