Thursday, October 25, 2012

What makes a difference between someone who sings and a Singer?

There are so many people who can sing that it makes me think that singing is a natural ability we all possess without even taking singing lessons. However, then the question comes alive, why are some great at it while others are their audience? Well, I have come up with a separation that could probably explain some of that craziness.

There are the ones who can sing, which as I mentioned are all of us blessed with the ability to make sound. There are the ones with talent, which are people who venture to sing for others beyond their car or their shower. There are the singers, who are the ones who go beyond singing for others to do it on a stage, next to an instrument (usually a karaoke stage) without not having even a vocal coach. And there are the professional vocalists who are the ones who want to do something with their ability to sing, worry about their stage presence, take care of their voice and make out of their voices their business.

There is something all of them have in common (beyond being able to speak and sing). They all need vocal training. There's nothing that can beat the great improvement that comes from training your voice. Wether if you want to be the replacement of Freddy Mercury, or just sing actually pleasant lullabys so your baby stops screaming to you.... to shut up, vocal coaching can come handy for not only singers but also a wide range of people including politicians, personal trainers, radio personalities and even busy moms.

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