Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Vocal Training - Quick Warm Up

We don't always have the time to warm up properly before a performance. Here is a quick and effective way to warm up your vocal chords in order to prevent damage and maximize endurance and pitch precision. You will sing better and your voice will last longer. Warming up your instrument (your voice) combined with a proper breathing technique is a must for all singers because you will have confidence from knowing that you are ready to perform.

Warm ups like this vocal technique is a must for all singers, actors, public speakers, radio personalities, rappers, and mc's. If you live in South Florida, come and take voice lessons from me, Jordy Marin, at my Delray Beach music studio. If you do not live in South Florida but would still like to take lessons from Jordy Marin, I am available via Skype.
786-873-8544 or 561-299-0551

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