Friday, November 23, 2012

5 tips to PROPERLY take care of your voice

Congratulations, your west palm beach voice lessons have paid off, your pitch is perfect, your inflections are clear and defined, your timing, expression and performance are impeccable, but, how can you keep such beautiful instrument such is your voice, in optimal condition forever?
Here are some tips that will help you maintain your voice.

Tip #1: Do not scream, at least not without proper warm up, sudden fast vibrations and contact of your un  ,warmed vocal chords can cause abrasion and even tiny cuts that develop in to lumps when they scar, ask your west palm beach vocal coach what are the exercise that fit you to warm up.

Tip #2: Do not abuse of dairy in your diet, Dairy leaves residuals very hard to clean in your throat, residuals that manifest in to weird sounds and clogs in your sound, your West Palm Beach vocal lessons can help you determine the rest of your diet.

Tip # 3: Do not abuse of whispering: this may sound special to you, but whispering is produced by the adduction of your vocal chords, which can result in to contact and contact between them must always be restricted to avoid friction.

Tip #4: Do your breathing exercises: the control over your diaphragm is only achieved by practicing, there's no way around, as well as loosing control over the muscle that dosifies the amount of air you apply in to singing can be easily lost by not working it DAILY. Ask about the best suited exercises for you in you West Palm Beach singing classes.

Tip # 5: Keep on singing, the more you SERIOUSLY sing the best your performance will be and the more your instrument will be polished. Enjoy!